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Photographer experiences

'Portraying the everyday life means speaking of men and hearing their feelings. Look to the daily experience should help us truly realize that nothing that seems to happen to others is entirely alien to us' (Fra Ibrahim Faltas, Director of the School of the Holy Land). These words are useful to prepare ourselves to be curious, to the idea to be contaminated, beyond the prejudices and the real difficulties, to enrich ourselves and better understand.

This premise sums up the way I feel photography. The passion for photography has developed especially since the birth of my first child.
It 'was the joy of fatherhood, together with the possibility of experimentation offered by the digital photography. The latter has facilitated the testing and at the same time reduced the costs compared to traditional analog photography. Moreover, especially for the color, through the photo-editing, has been how to regain the ability to work with the darkroom also for color photography.
This passion has grown alongside the technological updating that led me to quickly use the first Reflex equipments.
The experience and greater control of the technique and equipment has allowed me to devote more attention to the shooting from an artistic point of view.
I tried to establish the basic idea of ​​the shot, the search for a personal language and to interact with the subjects of the photo. Insisting on these three elements, together with continuous self-criticism, including by the opinion of others, has produced a personal growth and strengthened the passion.
The basis of most works is the idea of ​​telling a story, sometimes interacting with the actors, in other hiding my presence, for not interfering with the course of events. This is the concept of a 'story in pictures'. My main language is definitely the Reportage. The use of wide-angle lenses requires a direct interaction, with almost physical entities, thus favoring the immediate culling of the distances. So, for example, in telling the stories of weddings, school plays or children, the selection of Miss Italy, reporting Atout France events, the Rome Fiction Fest, the reportage from a Gipsy camp on the outskirts of Rome, used in many publications and exhibitions by Save The Children and Associazione 21 Luglio.
In addition to the personal, the greatest satisfaction is when I manage to arouse an emotion of others through a click.
Photography is also a mean to satisfy my curiosity and to get to interact with a rich and problematic world.
What really helped me was the possibility of proposing such images using the current technology options: Internet (website, email, etc.), slide show with friends and family, Social networks (Facebook, Google+, etc.), institutional exhibitions, publications, etc .. 

My growth started with the help of the participation to the workshops of the TPW (Toscana Photographic Workshop), the Canon Academy (with Andrea Pistolesi and Gianluca Colla) and courses of reportage and portrait at the school Graffiti of Gianni Pinnizzotto in Rome.

Currently regulary working for the institution for the development of French tourism (Atout France) documenting all their events in Rome.